Today´s walk was great. Through fields, over old roman and medieval bridges, on a couple of stretches of the Roman Road, several small country romanesque churches sitting out in fields, and even a castle thrown in for good measure.
We left our palatial surroundings at Casa Miguel around 7:40, and followed the arrows to the single arch ancient bridge whose name I forget. Forging confidently ahead, we were sure we were following the Camino on our way to the town of Casasola, and when we saw a farmer in the fields next to us, I thought I´d ask just out of an abundance of caution. But NO, we were heading in the wrong direction, so this lovely man took us back to the right place, pointed us in the right direction and through the right fence we went. At that point we were on the top of a hill, but could see the gravel path waiting for us below below, separated from us by a little river of some size. Suddenly about 15 horses came stampeding past us, so we stopped to let them by. Then came their herder, whom I asked "How do we get down to the path?" His answer: "Bajar" (go down). DUH. We made it and were rewarded by some ancient standing stones, a roman bridge and a nice walk through open fields.

But nothing good lasts forever, and when we arrived at our third and final stretch on the Roman Road, my walking partner let me know that her feet were killing her. We still had six km, all on a path, but all alongside a highway. So I just flagged down the next passing car, and asked the driver if she would take my friend into town. No problem. I had to walk those six kms alone, but I´m used to that! Even got to visit a castle and another romanesque church along the way.
We joined up in the booming town of Aguilar de Campoo, where my ATM card was waiting for me in the Hotel Valentín, sent via UPS last week. After showers and lunch in the hotel dining room, I left to take a tour of town and scout out options for those who might not be walking tomorrow. Buses are really the only option, so we´ll see.
I know how this feels, to be at the point that you want to walk so badly but your feet are just telling you no way. We´ll see what she chooses to do, but I´ll be walking tomorrow and will have to figure out what my Plan B is once she decides what her Plan B is! But with credit cards and phone in hand, I have no worries.